Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blogging for the Finale

Throughout this semester there have been plenty of things that have helped and stood out to me in regards to research. The thing that helped me improve my researching skills was the mini literatures and writing on the sources that we found that we would utilize in our papers. They helped me so much because it helped me reflect on just how good my sources were and it would also help me see the source was strong enough for my paper. At first it didn’t seem like a great appeal for my researching methods but after using the method I realized just how important it is to evaluate sources that you might want to use in your papers because sometimes the information isn’t good enough or strong enough.

Research is more than just finding information to strengthen your own work. Research involves digging and evaluating information that you find. Questioning anything and everything that you come across. My idea on researching has changed immensely. I used to believe that it was about finding information to strengthen or support your case but it involves more than that as I previously stated. It’s changed because I now see that once you find sources you questioned and evaluate them, if they are good enough then you should use them. In the real world I still don’t think there is a right way to approach things all I have figured out is that you never settle for what is told. You always make sure to question what is told or put in front of you, after that if the information seems good enough you can believe it.

I think that the skill that I have acquired that has become essential to researching for me is the fact that I start questioning the research I use. This is important because it really helps to see if they sources are good enough to use and to see if they are really credible.

With that I greatly appreciate the knowledge I’ve gained thanks to this class because I truly think that I have learned a lot when it comes to researching and what it takes to get credible sources.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Interpreting the Data

The themes and correlations that I want to focus on are how the judicial system isn’t strict enough on pedophiles. I want to organize my data to show examples and cases on previous pedophiles and how they have gotten themselves out of serving jail time due to the flaws with the law.  I also want to look thoroughly at what changes can be implemented to our judicial system to help and be more effective and keep people from committing these crimes. I plan on including a little snippet on how parents can help their children be aware of such pedophiles that are out praying on them.

I plan on presenting my information in a logical and supportive matter. I want to begin by pointing out the flaws in our laws when if comes to pedophiles. To support this, I will show some research statistics that supports my case. I also plan on talking about specific serious cases to point out the main flaws and the damage that these laws cost the victim and the family. By doing this I hope to get the readers to accept the gaps in our laws and push for a change. I want them to see how pedophiles strike because the punishment for the crime isn’t strict enough and so they continue to attack and feed on other victims.

I plan throughout to show how the judicial system isn’t strict enough on the criminals and at the end I will analyze and show my critical thinking analogies to strengthen my argument. I want to present my statistics and research in a good manner and hopefully I can keep the reader focused on my argument so they can understand why these flaws are such a big problem to our judicial system. The information and cases that I have chosen are strong and really show the problem with the law, which will make it easier to prove my point.

In order to strike my readers and get them interested, I want to start by giving and example where they or someone close to them can be affected by pedophiles. Hopefully that will put it in perspective and help the readers get into and begin to understand my argument. Once I have their attention I want to start by pointing out the flaws in the judicial system and presenting the statistics and follow with the strong cases that strengthen my argument.

With this information my overall goal is to point out the flaws with the judicial system pertaining to pedophiles. I want to engage the reader and open their eyes to what our judicial system is leading to because ultimately we hold the power to change these laws, we just have to acknowledge that there is a problem and push for a change to rectify it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Interview that was phenomenal!

I set up an interview with a lawyer who specializes in criminal law and has dealt with pedophile cases. I asked questions pertaining to his involvement with pedophile cases, what his techniques are when defending his clients, and if he agrees with the laws set for people accused as pedophiles. His responses were interesting. He said that there is no set procedure because all cases are different but it usually involves a lot of interviewing and researching into the case. He also discussed and compared different types of crimes and the sentences for those to try and give an idea on how the law isn’t strict enough on pedophiles. From this interview I learned that being a lawyer and defending a pedophile doesn’t necessarily mean that you are ok with people who are pedophiles but this is a job. I also learned that it takes a lot of researching and knowledge to try to prove a person accused of being a pedophile isn’t a pedophile and if they are it takes double the work to try and get them good plead bargains.  During the interview I felt confidant and prepared since I had researched into these types of cases and prepared my questions in advance. Researching more and actually having examples for my interviewee could improve future research purposes and interviews for me.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mini Lit!

The purpose of my research is to find out if the sentencing for pedophiles is just or is it too lenient. “Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children who have not yet reached puberty” (Pessimism about pedophilia). Child molestation has been an issue for years in the United States; we deal with these on a daily basis.  The punishment for a child molester is too lenient, and because of this adults do not understand that it’s wrong to abuse of children for many reasons. Children do not have the strength to take on adults and they are certainly to small to undergo the stress and pain that can occur. I want to take a look into how the media can play a role on the impact of child molestation. Also what triggers one to become a child molester as well as ff the court systems sentencing are just enough or if it is too merciful that it doesn’t affect the guilty that they do it all over.

The first articles theme is more on what can cause one to molest and what surroundings can impact this. The journal is bias yet very informative. The second article is one giving the definition of pedophilia and on how there is no cure but there are ways for one to avoid your children confronting such incidents. The article is bias and very informative. My third article

This topic has always been interesting for me but after beginning my research, it’s so much more important to me as well as interesting. I have found information like drug cases get more jail time than child molesters. This is something that is odd since adults make the decisions to buy drugs yet child molesters take advantage of children that cannot defend themselves. Gaps that I am finding are the fact that sentencing can be different and way too lenient in some cases even though at the end it is still molestation that the adult commits.

Further researching on my topic is a must! There are so many questions that I still have to research and find answers for. Such as why are the courts being merciful with some adults even though its all still child molestation? I also would like a couple more articles and journals on how people can prevent their child on being victims.


(2010). Pessimism about pedophilia. Harvard Mental Health Letter, 27(1), 1-3. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Research it the right way!

When the word research comes to mind everyone first thinks of finding something and doesn't take into consideration that researching is more than that. Researching means "collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information. (Leedy & Ormid, p. 2) This is the official definition but to myself researching means finding out what really matters to one and supporting the matter with real strong evidence.

With this said, The article that I chose was found in the American Journal of Criminal Law, which appears to be edited by the Associate Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Justice in Capital Cases, and also DePaul University College of Law.  This article was only in the American Journal of Criminal Law and it was written by: Andrea D. Lyon and Dr. Mark D. Cunningham. This article focuses on the Missouri Experience leading up to their question, “Does the Lack of Compelling Interest in Maintaining a Separate Death Row make it Unlawful?” (As stated in the title)

 The article relies on surveys and data previously found in prior years. I would not change anything about this article since it’s very well laid out and easy to follow.  Other articles related to this topic are referenced in order to strengthen the argument for the research problem. In present time to replicate the study I would focus on the same question however with updates articles and more recent data.

With the interpretation of the results being to end the death row penalty, I strongly agree. Because I, like the authors, believe it is a violation to our eighth amendment.  This article shall be one that sticks to my brain. Because I believe death row is inhumane and causes unfortunate suffering all around not only by the inmate but also family and those who have to witness the event. What seemed to work for the authors was the way they sectioned the article and led from one point to the next. This article definitely fits my description of researching because it is something that really matters and is supported with factual strong evidence.

I strongly believe that my researching skills are strong because I rely on reliable information that also comes from valuable sources.  Although this can also be a weakness because it is time consuming so I have to work hard and stay on paste to make sure my deadlines are met. With time and patience I do believe that if I learn to manage these well, my researches in the future can be very well written and presented.

Lyon, A., & Cunningham, M. (2005). "Reason Not the Need": Does the Lack of Compelling State Interest in Maintaining a Separate Death Row Make It Unlawful?. American Journal of Criminal Law, 33(1), 1-30. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.