The themes and correlations that I want to focus on are how the judicial system isn’t strict enough on pedophiles. I want to organize my data to show examples and cases on previous pedophiles and how they have gotten themselves out of serving jail time due to the flaws with the law. I also want to look thoroughly at what changes can be implemented to our judicial system to help and be more effective and keep people from committing these crimes. I plan on including a little snippet on how parents can help their children be aware of such pedophiles that are out praying on them.
I plan on presenting my information in a logical and supportive matter. I want to begin by pointing out the flaws in our laws when if comes to pedophiles. To support this, I will show some research statistics that supports my case. I also plan on talking about specific serious cases to point out the main flaws and the damage that these laws cost the victim and the family. By doing this I hope to get the readers to accept the gaps in our laws and push for a change. I want them to see how pedophiles strike because the punishment for the crime isn’t strict enough and so they continue to attack and feed on other victims.
I plan throughout to show how the judicial system isn’t strict enough on the criminals and at the end I will analyze and show my critical thinking analogies to strengthen my argument. I want to present my statistics and research in a good manner and hopefully I can keep the reader focused on my argument so they can understand why these flaws are such a big problem to our judicial system. The information and cases that I have chosen are strong and really show the problem with the law, which will make it easier to prove my point.
In order to strike my readers and get them interested, I want to start by giving and example where they or someone close to them can be affected by pedophiles. Hopefully that will put it in perspective and help the readers get into and begin to understand my argument. Once I have their attention I want to start by pointing out the flaws in the judicial system and presenting the statistics and follow with the strong cases that strengthen my argument.
With this information my overall goal is to point out the flaws with the judicial system pertaining to pedophiles. I want to engage the reader and open their eyes to what our judicial system is leading to because ultimately we hold the power to change these laws, we just have to acknowledge that there is a problem and push for a change to rectify it.
Well done, Krystal! Remember to check out the final paper grading rubric posted on BB under "Assignments--> Independent Research Project" for details that will help you even further organize your paper! Good luck with the final paper--let me know if you have questions!