Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blogging for the Finale

Throughout this semester there have been plenty of things that have helped and stood out to me in regards to research. The thing that helped me improve my researching skills was the mini literatures and writing on the sources that we found that we would utilize in our papers. They helped me so much because it helped me reflect on just how good my sources were and it would also help me see the source was strong enough for my paper. At first it didn’t seem like a great appeal for my researching methods but after using the method I realized just how important it is to evaluate sources that you might want to use in your papers because sometimes the information isn’t good enough or strong enough.

Research is more than just finding information to strengthen your own work. Research involves digging and evaluating information that you find. Questioning anything and everything that you come across. My idea on researching has changed immensely. I used to believe that it was about finding information to strengthen or support your case but it involves more than that as I previously stated. It’s changed because I now see that once you find sources you questioned and evaluate them, if they are good enough then you should use them. In the real world I still don’t think there is a right way to approach things all I have figured out is that you never settle for what is told. You always make sure to question what is told or put in front of you, after that if the information seems good enough you can believe it.

I think that the skill that I have acquired that has become essential to researching for me is the fact that I start questioning the research I use. This is important because it really helps to see if they sources are good enough to use and to see if they are really credible.

With that I greatly appreciate the knowledge I’ve gained thanks to this class because I truly think that I have learned a lot when it comes to researching and what it takes to get credible sources.

1 comment:

  1. Great, Krystal! Glad you were able to take something valuable away from the class! Hopefully, the skill set we have laid a foundation for this semester will help you in future classes! Best to you in your future at ASU and beyond--it has been a pleasure working with you!
